Holistic Ayurvedic beauty: get beautiful skin and hair naturally

Holistic Ayurvedic beauty: get beautiful skin and hair naturally

One way to deal with facial stress is a facial. It is a term used to coin generally a three-step procedure involving a face massage, exfoliation and face masks. Recent research also suggests that regular facials improve the blood flow, stimulate muscles and lift the skin over a period.

The Printmaking Yogini

The Printmaking Yogini

Printmaker and artist Rachana Jacob transformed her life and her art with her yoga practice and self care rituals. She speaks about her journey of strength that took her from Bangalore to London  Yoga: To unite, to join A woman, wearing saffron-hued yoga pants is …

An Authentic Ayurveda

An Authentic Ayurveda

From Design to Decoctions: Vivek Sahni, CEO and Co-Founder, Kama Ayurveda articulates its journey Perfume. India is a land of a 1,000 scents, maybe more. Wet rain on parched soil. Mogra wafting through on a sticky summer day. Camphor swallowed by a golden flickering flame. …

The Ultimate Ayurvedic Guide to Winter Wellness

The Ultimate Ayurvedic Guide to Winter Wellness

Commit to holistic health as a part of your lifestyle this winter season, as advocated by Dr. Manoj Kutteri, Wellness Director at Atmantan Wellness Centre. Shrink. Wilt. Wizen. Come winter and with the first frost, we shrink like a raisin in the biting cold. Our …

Slow is the New Fast

Slow is the New Fast

Our guest writer, brand strategist Deepti Dadlani (better known as Dee) once took pride in saying, “No one gets people better than me.” One fine day, she quit corporate life and packed her bags for Uttarkashi. She has spent the past year humbling herself, pursuing …

Dead Sea Tales

Dead Sea Tales

Jordan is one of the most stunning, diverse and intriguing places I’ve ever visited. Here, I write about a trip to the Dead Sea, which appeared on Gq India.  Where I head to the lowest point on earth for a lofty dose of thalassotherapy. From …